
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

November 13, 2006

I'm still in isolation at my mom's. I worked on Kelley's quilt and completed three additional blocks. After I finish the last block, it will be ready to piece together. I am running out of silk thread, and I hope I have enough to finish. I could do four additional corner blocks, but I am running out of time and want to be finished with it. I am hoping that it doesn't set off and radiation detectors when she flies back to Maryland.

I've decided not to take any more Benadryl. I'd rather have a rash than be tired or "out of it" all the time.

Yesterday, I did a lot of reading. My mom fixed a nice dinner of roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, and salad.

I am really missing my family and I'm still very concerned for Tyler. It is so hard for me to sleep here and my sleep patterns are all mixed up. I have the same anxiety as I did at the hospital, and can't sleep with the door shut. And yet, leaving the door open seems to conjure up more mind demons.

My throat still feels very strange when I turn my head to the right. It is hard to talk or even swallow - I hope that means that the iodine is working this time.

I spoke with Tyler's vision aide (from school) for quite awhile today. Her daughter has thyroid cancer and she's pregnant. She's trying to decide what to do. I don't envy her, but if I had it to do again, I would've nursed Ellie and then treated my cancer. I don't think I gained anything by treating it so soon after having her. I wish I would've had more of those moments of one-on-one with her.

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