
Sunday, May 1, 2011

January 22, 2007

Family Night - Proclamation of the Family, assignments made, Apples to Apples.

Michelle had an amazing day she caught Math Fever and completed 17 lessons in her math book. She seems to have caught on to the concepts of multiplication and division. She also connected her round-off back handspring, back handspring. This was a tough thing for her - she had a fear of doing her back handspring and falling forward (over-turning). She tends to lean forward and apply her energy straight up rather than sitting back into it. She kept trying though and did well. B~ picked her up from gymnastics and was able to watch her for a minute.

Nicole was quite distracted, she did listen and read Matthew chapter 1 with us and listened to Farmer Boy and the story of Glass Mountain. Otherwise she scanned through books and played around. I did institute a fine of $5 mom's money each time she hopped on the furniture (I collected $10). It is impossible to keep her off of Tyler and Ellie both - she is always kissing them and trying to do things with them.

Spielberg "worked" on his science fair project on levers. He comes by his procrastination honestly, but it is still extremely frustrating. I read Shakespeare Stealer to him and checked our a copy of Gerald Lund's novel, The Alliance. He amazed me with the level of energy he has (Spielberg, that is). He started "Stick World" - a new comic today.

Tyler's tumor still seems smaller, but he is still having difficulty peeing and with his bowels - it's just not the right amounts. He is also constantly flinching tonight. I wonder if his blood pressure medication is affecting him that way. He is also very nauseous today - more than normal. Erin and Corinne came today.

Ellie has a new favorite activity, we have board books that have a bear, dog, or other item on each page and she loves to find each one. We do it again and again. She is communicating more and more.

I went to the library and checked out How Children Learn, The Virginian, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and  Siblings Without Rivalry. The first three are for papers I'm writing, the last is to hopefully help with a few problems around here.

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