
Sunday, May 1, 2011

January 24, 2007

Spielberg woke up at 5 AM, dressed, ate breakfast, and discussed the sacredness of the temple with B~. He returned at 8 AM - "It was awesome!" he said. He had such a great spirit about him. His eyes were sparkly. He's growing up.

I took the girls to the Hutchings Museum. They each made medicine bags. They put special things in their bags one of which is an empty pill capsule that you can fill with dirt from a special place - I think Michelle will collect some from my mom's house.

When I was reading Farmer Boy tonight, Nicole asked me if it was a real story about real people. I told her it was. She got very excited and said that's what she wanted to do. Tomorrow she wants me to help her write her life story. She pulled out her journal and is very excited to begin her writing career. She is worried though - she'd like to start from the very beginning (birth) and she's afraid she can't remember everything.

Michelle came home all excited about learning her Article of Faith from activity day. She began looking in her Faith in God booklet. She typed a letter to Kelley today on B~'s old laptop. Both girls would like to receive mail.

I thought my poor handwriting yesterday was a result of being tired - but I think it is due to lack of practice. My Visiting Teachers came and we discussed being an instrument in the Lord's hands. I told them about SayGoBeDo and how it means to say, go, be and do what you are prompted to do. It means being tuned to the Spirit. I struggle right now, I feel very worn down. I am not sleeping well, eating well, or thinking well. I sometimes think that if I just shake myself hard enough, everything will come into focus. I need to boss myself around and just do what needs doing. I know this and yet doing it is still such a distant thing. I will be better!

1 hymn. Finished Shakespeare Stealer w/Spielberg, ready to start The Alliance.

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